Monday, August 10, 2015

The Education Choice

Home School VS. The Traditional Classroom.

A hotly debated topic. I compare the education choice to traditional publishing vs. self-publishing. As a formally trained teacher, I'll admit homeschooling irritated more than a few nerves probably in the same way self-publishing irritated many traditional publishing houses. What, everyone's a teacher now? Wait a minute, aren't I doing the same thing with my self-publishing? I'm not a formally trained writer. I have a passion, a need to create, and hope that my creations make a connection with other people. Most parents I know are passionate about their children. That passion drives them to seek the best for their creations. Who am I to judge? I was experiencing a little of the pot calling its kettle black. I most definitely needed to get off my high horse before I fell off it and broke my nose.
 My doubts about homeschooling held me prisoner, but when my number one made the choice for herself to attend a homeschool program, it was the best decision ever. Why did I fight it for so long? Stupid pride, misconceived notions and well, it's just not the way things are done! Phooey! Homeschooling programs today are dynamic, interesting and driven. Don't think you can just breeze by with filling out a few worksheets and calling it a day. My number one's day is full of self-directed, independent learning that she owns. She is the captain of her ship. Her homeschool buddies are respectful, intelligent, motivated (boy, are they ever!), driven, responsible leaders. Don't you want that for your teenager? Now, don't get me wrong lots of teenagers in traditional school settings are just as motivated and responsible. I'm saying that it was a learning curve for me. I was pleasantly surprised by their intensity and quality of their pursuit of learning. The same can be said for self-published authors as well. Once the passion ignites, the fire burns bright and hot. Isn't life about finding your passion and making the choice to pursue it.

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