Sunday, June 15, 2014

Happy Father's Day, Dad

A Love Note To My Dad
    You weren’t always there. You know that, and I know that and there’s no denying that fact in both of our lives. What’s important now, is the fact that you are here now. Your love and support while I embarked on this new adventure far surpasses any missed opportunities of kissing skinned knees or attending missed flute concerts. Things happen for a reason─for both of us. You were there and listened, really listened, when I cried and pulled my hair out because I didn’t think I could do it. You were there and listened, really listened, when I screamed and cried when I realized I could do it. You were there when I needed you the most. You. Were. There. What’s in the past is just that─the past. What’s in my present is─You. You’re here now, Dad. Thank you. For everything. I love you.

Your daughter,

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