Wednesday, March 11, 2015


Well, not exactly, but you are winning free signed paperback book of Choices and one free e-book of Forgiveness!

And...drumroll, please...the winners for the Choices paperback giveaway and free Forgiveness e-book are...

Irma Jurejevcic
Angelina Ocampo
Diana Doan...
Patricia Maia
Dianne Galang

Congratulations! I hope you enjoy your prizes and thank you so much for entering! You girls are THE best! Thank you! Thank you! It means the world to me you entered!

Please contact me at as soon as possible with all your contact information, snail mail and e-mail addys.

Can't wait to send you everything and I hope you enjoy your "Choices!"

Monday, March 2, 2015


If steamy romance makes your engine rev, and unconventional characters make you swoon then this is the place for you!

 I LOVE a good giveaway! For the first week of March I'm sponsoring an awesome giveaway for my new release Forgiveness, the sequel in the Choices series. Here are the deets...

10 Signed paperback copies of Choices and the first 5 winners will receive a free E-book of Forgiveness!

Beautiful, brand new paperbacks of Choices and e-books of Forgiveness I can send to you as well. Sounds like a good deal to me!

It means the world to me you stopped by! Thank YOU! I wish you the best of luck!

Click the link